News & Articles
Emphasis on water quality solutions
It was the English poet W. H Auden who said many have lived without love, none without water: A sentiment that underlines the half way point of the new decade for action under the simple but poignant theme 'Water is Life'.
The challenge of water in the 21st century is one of both quantity and quality.
The fact is that, often as a result of mismanagement, much of the water that is available in developing but also developed economies is polluted and contaminated to varying levels. In some places that contamination – whether from sources such as industrial or raw sewage discharges – is so acute that it can be deadly, triggering water-related diseases that take millions of lives annually often among the young and the vulnerable. – "Achim Steiner United Nations Under-Secretary General and Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme"
Our extensive research program and collaboration with international water research institutions, reputable chemical production facilities resulted in the development of innovative chemicals to focus on the most problematic water issues for municipal wastewater and industrial water applications. These include removal of COD, BOD, Heavy Metals, Phosphates, Sulphates Decolourization, Fixing agents etc.